Today’s economy is powered by digital infrastructure. Digital infrastructure must be as efficient and clean as possible to guarantee that today’s digital firms can operate sustainably for many years.

At UnitedLayer®, we are conscious that our customers rely on us as partners in their sustainability strategy. This motivated us to make a global climate-neutral pledge for our infrastructure by 2030 and to cut emissions throughout our operations and supply chain.

We have met several milestones aligned with the key pillars discussed below. In this blog, we’ll cover just a few of the many innovations we’re pursuing to make our data centers cleaner and more efficient.

According to Statista, “Given its high energy demand, 45% of total IT carbon footprint is caused by data centers across the globe.” 

Principles driving a Sustainable Data Center:

  • Low-carbon energy
  • Using Digital Tools
  • Software-optimized and automated
  • High-efficiency cooling.

Low-carbon energy helps us scale data volumes without increasing emissions

While increasing the data centers‘ energy efficiency is a primary focus, we understand that energy use is unavoidable. We have set a goal of using only renewable energy in all our data centers worldwide. By achieving this, we will help our customers’ digital supply chains become greener and reduce our carbon impact.

Use digital tools available to optimize operations

With the introduction of the smart grid, the grid has become more autonomous, giving rise to peer-to-peer networks to facilitate energy flow and prevent disturbance. Digital technologies, such as digital substations for larger data centers, utility, and industrial use, are available to support protection and control requirements. Furthermore, digital asset management platforms can help data center operators evaluate the relative health of their essential power components, allowing them to shift away from planned maintenance or break/fix schemes and toward more proactive and predictive maintenance techniques.

Transform Your Sustainable Future With UnitedLayer®

Working smarter toward greater efficiency with software optimization

Knowing where waste occurs is one of the essential prerequisites for decreasing energy waste in data centers. UnitedLayer® has become a pioneer in this sustainability field. To facilitate power optimization measures, we introduced software-optimized data center systems.

Using our UnityOneCloud tool, you can track and optimize the data center device’s carbon emissions and energy consumption with remote data center management functionalities. You can also reduce carbon emissions by optimizing the power required by the devices in the data center.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) have become essential IT future-proofing concerns, much like sustainability plans. It only makes sense to employ sustainability and AI/ML since both are crucial to the future of IT. Automated data centers can utilize AI algorithms to collect essential data, analyze it to forecast sustainability indicators under various conditions, and adjust operations as necessary. These algorithms can also be used to automate power-aware workload orchestration, which balances power demand and schedules workloads according to the availability of renewable energy.

High-efficiency cooling helps limit energy waste

Data center efficiency is measured using power usage effectiveness (PUE), which compares the total energy used by a data center with the portion used specifically for IT equipment. Operators must use less overhead energy that doesn’t directly power IT equipment if they want to lower PUE. High-efficiency cooling is a crucial component of the sustainability equation because cooling systems use an estimated 75% of the additional energy.


We have barely touched the surface of UnitedLayer’s® sustainability narrative in this blog. We’re proud of our advancements, but we’re not about to stop anytime soon. The story is being written every day.

We help enterprises get complete visibility and transparency of their carbon footprints and map their journey toward sustainability. To date, we have transformed a few hundred customers into achieving net zero carbon emissions, and the count is increasing daily. Our robust solutions, such as carbon-neutral recommendation engines, cognitive carbon analysis, dashboards, and reports, have already benefitted our customers in reducing their global carbon footprints.

To learn more about our product and services, click here!

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